To contact the Development Committee directly, contact us at

For all media inquiries and requests, please contact us at
February 2023 - STRT Version 3.2 Released
Version 3.2 of the STRT includes revisions designed to maintain its value as a compliance tool that supports traceability on all high risk sectors for forced labor enforcement. In addition to reflecting recent changes to critical reference sources like the US Department of Labor's Bureau of International Labour Affairs (ILAB) List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor, STRT 3.2 also takes into consideration regulatory enforcement practices to include goods which, although not included in the reference sources, have legitimate regulatory weight behind them in the form of enforcement actions.
STRT 3.2 also responds to user feedback through the inclusion of functionalities that enhance the usability of the template.
December 2022 - The Business of Risk Podcast Posted
The Business of Risk, Podcast Series Launch from the Social Responsibility Alliance
The Social Responsibility Alliance (SRA) has launched the first episode in its brand-new podcast series, The Business of Risk. This timely series will explore the complex challenges businesses face in identifying modern slavery and human trafficking risks, evidencing those risks and making the necessary changes.
The first episode focuses on the complex issues of Uyghur Forced Labour and the challenges businesses are experiencing as they strive to comply with global legislation, their own policies and public commitments, and customer demands.
This episode is hosted by Sarah Carpenter, Director of Corporate Responsibility at Assent, with expert guests Chloe Cranston, Head of Thematic Advocacy Programmes at Anti-Slavery International and Patricia Carrier, Business Engagement Representative from the Coalition to End Uyghur Forced Labour.
Abiola Okpechi, Co-Chair of the SRA, and Regulatory & Sustainability Expert at Assent, said, “This is a phenomenal first episode. The content is outstanding and sets a high bar for the other episodes that will follow in 2023. A lot can be learned for current and future sustainability leaders looking to minimize risk and amplify positive impact in their supply chains."
The SRA is an initiative dedicated to helping companies build socially responsible supply chains through the collection of sourcing data. Formed in 2017, the SRA developed the Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template (STRT), a free, open-source risk management tool which is relevant to business of all sizes. The global STRT development committee maintains the STRT, ensuring it remains up-to-date with growing global legislation. In 2021, the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, the SRA consulted widely with leading authorities, such as the International Labour Organisation, UN Global Compact, and others to review the STRT through a child rights lens.
Okpechi added that the STRT takes away any financial or knowledge barriers to inaction. Businesses can simply download and make a start.
The podcast has been developed and produced with the support of Research Podcasts, which specialises in the production of evidence based podcasts for individuals and organisations the UK and Europe. Research Podcasts Director, Christine Garrington commented, “It’s a real privilege to work with the Social Responsibility Alliance to get this important podcast off-the-ground. These are essential conversations and the series will stimulate discussion and action in businesses seeking to uphold and advance human rights in their day-to-day operations.”
About SRA
The Social Responsibility Alliance (SRA) is an initiative focused on providing companies with the open source tools, resources, and support they need to build socially responsible supply chains through the collection of responsible sourcing data. Contact the SRA if you would like to find out more about joining the Global STRT Development Committee.
About STRT
The Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template (STRT), is the free, open-source industry standard template used to assist companies in their efforts to comply with human trafficking and modern slavery legislation and improve their supply chain-related public disclosures. The STRT helps companies and their suppliers work together to build socially responsible supply chains by facilitating accurate data collection. Visit to download the STRT.
March 2022 - STRT Version 3.1 Released
The SRA is pleased to announce the release of the STRT version 3.1. The updated template includes changes that support compliance with new and emerging legal requirements on slavery and human trafficking and child labor. In addition to forced labor due diligence, the STRT now enables an industry-standard child labor due diligence approach that is is both cost-effective and efficacious.
The new template is designed to be cascaded down supply chains, facilitating a commodity-specific traceability approach that enables companies to evaluate risk from raw material to finished good. It also supports an expanded list of regulations, including the German Supply Chains Act, the Uyghur Forced Labour Prevention Act, the Norwegian Transparency Act, the Swiss Child Labor Due Diligence Ordinance. It continues to support existing modern slavery regulations around the world, as well as forced labour risks associated with the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China.
Updates to the STRT were informed by extensive consultations with industry, civil society and experts in the field of modern slavery, as well as user, supplier and industry feedback.
February 2022 - STRT Development Committee Welcomes New Members
The Social Responsibility Alliance (SRA) is pleased to announce the addition of new members of the Development Committee. They include: Hara Namburu of Two Oceans Strategy (India), Jacqueline Planner (UK), and Paul Callum of RSM (UK). They bring years of collective experience influencing positive change in supply chains around the world, and we look forward to their input and guidance on the committee.
November 2021 - Social Responsibility Alliance Elects New Co-Chairs
The Social Responsibility Alliance (SRA) is pleased to announce the election of Elaine Mitchel-Hill, business and human rights director at Marshalls plc, and Abiola Okpechi, business & human rights expert at Assent Compliance, as its new Co-Chairs. The two leaders succeed Travis Miller, General Counsel at Assent Compliance, and Rita Kuhlman, Supply Chain Compliance Manager at Allegion, for a two-year term.
The new co-chairs look forward to advancing the SRA’s goal of facilitating the collection of human and labour rights data in global supply chains and empowering companies with the right tools to build socially responsible supply chains.
November 2021 - STRT Development Committee Welcomes New Members
The Social Responsibility Alliance (SRA) is proud to announce that the Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template (STRT) Development Committee has three new members: Magnus Piotrowski of Assent Compliance and Lucy Shearer and Jack Nunn of STOP THE TRAFFIK. Magnus brings years of experience managing ESG issues and supporting companies to achieve their environmental and social sustainability goals. Lucy and Jack have extensive experience working closely with large businesses to develop and implement supply chain risk mitigation strategies on modern slavery and other human rights issues.
November/December 2020 - STRT Development Committee Welcomes New Members
The Social Responsibility Alliance (SRA) is pleased to announce the addition of new members of the Development Committee. They include: Gustavo Pérez Berlanga and Andrea Michelle Pinto Rueda of Gigante Restaurant Group (Mexico), Matt Friedman of The Mekong Club (Hong Kong), and Kate Larsen of SupplyESChange (UK). They bring years of collective experience influencing positive change in supply chains around the world, and we look forward to their input and guidance on the committee.
November 20, 2020 - STRT Development Committee Welcomes New Members
The Social Responsibility Alliance (SRA) is proud to announce the newest members of the Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template (STRT) Development Committee: Chirag Amin and Than Baardson. Chirag brings years of experience advocating for labour rights in supply chains in the tech sector, while Than is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Unseen, a non-profit that combats human trafficking and its root causes.
November 20, 2020 - STRT Version 2.1 Released
The SRA is pleased to announce the release of the STRT version 2.1. The updated template includes changes that address emerging issues, such as the forced labour risks associated with the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. It also provides greater flexibility on country risk calculations, support for additional laws, and an enhanced question set to help companies prioritize their efforts based on the number of potentially impacted people. The updates were developed and recommended by the STRT Development Committee based on user, supplier, and industry feedback.
April 7, 2020 - Report on Modern Slavery Issues by GRI & RLI
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Responsible Labor Initative (RLI) recently concluded an in-depth project concerning the reporting of modern slavery by companies. The project, detailed in a report titled Advancing modern slavery to meet stakeholder expectations, provides guidance to downstream companies on reporting due diligence activities and other measures to protect the value chain.
February 4, 2020 - STRT Featured at Supply Chain Conferences
The Slavery and Trafficking Risk Template (STRT) was highlighted during segments of two supply chain conferences in recent months, boosting the template’s profile to hundreds of companies. At Assent Compliance’s Supply Chain Insight conference, the STRT was highlighted in a workshop attended by professionals. Assent’s General Counsel, Travis Miller, also spoke to the efficacy of the template at the Silicon Valley Conflict Minerals & Human Trafficking Forum in February 2020.
November 18, 2019 - STRT Version 2.0 Released
Version 2.0 of the STRT has been released. This update brings the reporting template in alignment with current practices for managing modern slavery risk, the latest research in the field, and the most recent updates to the legal, regulatory, and standards landscape. Several changes were also made to improve clarity and remove questions that are redundant in the context of existing corporate workflows. During the update process, the Development Committee benefited enormously from user feedback and was able to integrate several suggestions. The Development Committee thanks the broader community of modern slavery practitioners for its ongoing support and collaboration.
November 2019 - The SCCE Writes on the Value of the STRT 2.0
In its most recent publication, the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) writes about increased human rights regulatory enforcement and the STRT 2.0 as an effective tool for managing risk. The SCCE outlines changes to the template, and how it aligns the template with the latest good practice for managing risk of modern slavery.
June 19, 2019 - Optum Joins the Social Responsibility Alliance
Optum, a division of UnitedHealthGroup, joined the Social Responsibility Alliance on June 19, 2019. Optum is a leading health services innovator, improving experiences and outcomes while reducing the cost of care. The company’s core services include population health management, pharmacy care services, and health care delivery and operations. Optum opposes and prohibits the use of human trafficking, child labour, slavery and slave labour, and expects the same from its business partners and suppliers.
The company will be represented on the STRT Development Committee by Eric Brotten (Director, International & US-Domestic Compliance Programs). Eric is an expert on leadership and general management roles in regulatory compliance, and overseeing broad, international programs. He currently leads international and US-domestic compliance programs at Optum, a division of UnitedHealth Group.
May 28, 2019 - Ardea International Joins the Social Responsibility Alliance
On May 28, 2019, Ardea International joined the Social Responsibility Alliance. The firm is a specialist sustainability, business and human rights consultancy with expertise in modern slavery. The group supports organisations to mitigate risk through the development of best practice procedures, and delivering training, online guidance and consultancy services.
The company will be represented on the STRT Development Committee by Colleen Theron, solicitor and founder of Ardea. She has over 25 years of legal and commercial experience of working with business, organisations and NGOs across sectors on both a strategic and operational level, and provides training and online resources on modern slavery, human trafficking and sustainability issues.
May 29, 2019 - STRT Featured in Anti-Corruption Report
On May 29, 2019, the Anti-Corruption Report referenced the STRT as a standard compliance tool that companies should use to align with current due diligence best practices. Formerly the FCPA Report, the Anti-Corruption Report combines domain expertise with deep research on the most pressing issues relating to anti-bribery, anti-corruption laws around the globe. The May 29 issue endorses the STRT as essential for complying with emerging disclosure requirements.
May 7, 2019 - Dan Simon of STERIS Joins STRT Development Committee
Dan Simon currently serves as Director, Compliance at STERIS. In this role, major initiatives include supply chain transparency, anti-bribery and anti-corruption, and providing general and targeted training to key constituencies within STERIS and third-party partners. Previously, Dan worked in various internal audit and compliance roles at STERIS and The Kroger Co. He has joined the STRT Development as the STERIS representative. The committee is pleased to welcome Dan as it continues helping companies identify and mitigate modern slavery risk.
April 13, 2019 - Arlo joins Social Responsibility Alliance
The SRA is pleased to announce that Arlo has joined the organization. The company is an award-winning, industry-leading manufacturer of home security solutions. Arlo’s Ashish Jain will represent the company on the STRT Development Committee. Ashish is an Environmental Compliance Manager, leading the company’s product compliance program and supply chain audits. He also has on-the-ground experience auditing factories in areas including China and Vietnam. The SRA welcomes Ashish and Arlo to the team.
April 6, 2019 - Villa Maria Catholic Homes joins Social Responsibility Alliance
Villa Maria Catholic Homes (VMCH) has joined the SRA. The company is a Catholic not-for-profit organization, and its 2,367 staff members are dedicated to providing affordable housing and care services to 7,600 people across Victoria, Australia. VMCH will be represented on the STRT Development Committee by Jeni Christensen, a chartered procurement and contract management professional with a passion for sustainable, ethical, and socially-responsible sourcing. The SRA is proud to welcome VMCH and Jeni into the organization.
April 9, 2019 - STRT Featured at ISM2019
STRT Development Committee Co-Chair Sarah Carpenter (Manager, Business & Human Rights, Assent Compliance) and member Matthew Kirby (Senior Procurement Administrator, Cubic Corporation) presented at ISM2019, delivering Emerging Practices in Addressing Modern Slavery Risks for Companies. The presentation identifies the STRT as the key open source tool for companies to perform effective due diligence. ISM’s annual conference attracts 2,500 global supply chain and procurement professionals.
April 27, 2019 - STRT Promoted at London Modern Slavery Workshop
STRT Development Committee Co-Chair Sarah Carpenter (Manager, Business & Human Rights, Assent Compliance) and member Elaine Mitchel-Hill (Business & Human Rights Expert) promoted the STRT at a workshop in London with the UN Global Compact and the UK Network Modern Slavery Working Group, with some of the worlds largest beverage and electronics titans in attendance. The workshop also highlighted how the Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template was instrumental in mapping supplier risks at a large automotive company.
For more information about how a leading automotive manufacturer used the STRT to identify and mitigate slavery and human trafficking risk, download the case study here.
April 12, 2019 - STRT Profiled in Assent eBook
The STRT was featured in the Assent ebook, Human Trafficking, Slavery and Your Supply Chain. Assent is a supply chain data management service provider that helps companies manage their facilitate stakeholder and supply chain education on regulatory and program requirements, and increase transparency between businesses. The ebook identifies the open source tool as the standard for identifying and mitigating human trafficking and slavery risk.
March 21, 2019 - STRT profiled in Report on Supply Chain Compliance
The SCCE profiled the STRT in its Report on Supply Chain Compliance on March 21, 2019. The report references the open source tool’s capacity to help companies perform effective due diligence to navigate modern slavery risk. This comes on the heels of a well-received presentation at the 77th Annual European Compliance & Ethics Institute presentation from Development Committee Co-Chair Sarah Carpenter (Assent Compliance) with collaboration from member Therese Deane (MACOM).
March 12, 2019 - STRT promoted at SCCE 7th Annual European Compliance & Ethics Institute
STRT Development Committee Co-Chair Sarah Carpenter (Manager, Business & Human Rights, Assent Compliance) and member Therese Deane (Senior Manager, Global Compliance & Quality Programs, MACOM) presented at the SCCE 7th Annual European Compliance & Ethics Institute. Together, they delivered Emerging Practices in Addressing Modern Slavery Risks for Companies to an audience of 35 attendees from Fortune 500 companies including industry leading electronics and food industry manufacturers
February 13, 2019 - STRT promoted at Assent Supply Chain Summit
The STRT was promoted at the Assent Supply Chain Summit Series in San Diego on February 13. In recent years, this event has engaged the world’s largest companies on human trafficking and slavery, among a range of related topics. They provide product compliance and corporate social responsibility education through a series of collaborative settings, with workshops hosted by industry-leading subject matter experts. These sessions were hosted by Rita Kuhlman, Supply Chain Compliance Manager at Allegion PLC and Chris Demers, Corporate Social Responsibility Professional.
January 25, 2019 - STRT promoted at Silicon Valley Forum (Sarah Carpenter, Lydia Hulquist)
STRT Development Committee Co-Chairs Sarah Carpenter (Manager, Business & Human Rights, Assent Compliance) and Lydia Hulquist (Founder & Moderator, Silicon Valley Conflict Minerals and Human Trafficking Forum) presented on modern slavery, human trafficking and the STRT at thee Silicon Valley Forum on January 25, 2019. The talk provided an overview of the Social Responsibility Alliance, the STRT and its 1.3 update—with a focus on the addition of a Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act compliance indicator.
Companies in attendance included household logos such as Palo Alto Networks, Netgear, Intel and Juniper Networks
December 6, 2018 - Deloitte’s Christine Robinson joins STRT Development Committee
Christine Robinson has become Deloitte’s representative on the STRT Development Committee. Christine helps clients assess the environmental and social impacts of their business and supply chain, including conflict minerals readiness and reporting. With Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)’s Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting (FSA) credentials, she connects material sustainability information with financial performance. She also has experience aligning sustainability programs with Global Reporting Initiative standards, the GHG Protocol, and the UN Global Compact Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Welcome, Christine!
December 3, 2018 - STRT Profiled in Good Practice Note on Managing Risks Associated with Modern Slavery
The STRT was profiled in Ergon and the Ethical Trading Initiative’s Good Practice Note on Managing Risks Associated with Modern Slavery. The guide supports organizations with practical tools for due diligence programs amid an expanding human rights landscape. It provides investors with key indicators of a low-risk supply chain, with the STRT survey contributing toward an accurate scoping to determine which areas are at highest risk of modern slavery and human trafficking violations.
November 28, 2018 - STRT Version 1.3.0 Launches
The latest version of the Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template (STRT), 1.3.0, has launched. This launch is the result of a year-long effort from members of the STRT Development Committee. Updates in this version include new questions linked to compliance with the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), and known risks relating to slavery and human trafficking in labour supply chains. Version 1.3.0 is easy for suppliers to use and will provide more, and more relevant, data to companies to help them drive change and awareness in their supply chain.

August 30, 2018 - Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Joins STRT Development Committee
We are pleased to welcome the newest member of the STRT Development Committee, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, and its representative, Fabio Leonardi. Pillsbury is a full-service international law firm that counsels clients on global business, regulatory and litigation matters. Fabio’s work concentrates on white collar criminal defense, anti-human trafficking, agency enforcement actions, regulatory investigations, and compliance counseling.
August 2018 - STRT featured as resource on Seafish website
Sharing and usage of the STRT continues to proliferate throughout the Seafood Industry. In August, 2018, the STRT was listed on the Seafish website to provide companies with a free, open source tool for mitigating risk within the high risk seafood sector. The survey can help companies manage their supply chain and make a more informed judgement on the risks they face when sourcing seafood. Seafish is a Non-Departmental Public Body set up by the Fisheries Act 1981 to improve efficiency and raise standards across the sector in the UK.
June 20, 2018 - Chris Demers Joins STRT Development Committee
Chris Demers, independent, is a risk-minded sustainability professional with practice in both private and public organizations, and professional training in human rights law. In his recent role as Senior Manager of Supply Chain Sustainability at SunPower Corporation, he brought risk-based solutions to complex global challenges. We are thrilled to welcome him to the committee!

June 20, 2018 - STERIS Joins the SRA
STERIS, a leading provider of infection prevention products, and other procedural products and services, provides innovative healthcare and life science solutions around the globe. Today, the company holds one of the broadest portfolios of products in the industry. We are excited to welcome STERIS to the SRA.
May 23, 2018 - STRT Featured on New Interactive Modern Slavery Map
The STRT has been highlighted in another corner of the digital resource world, this time on the New Interactive Modern Slavery Map. The New Interactive Slavery Map is a collaboration between slavery and human trafficking action leaders such as the Global Busines Coalition Against Trafficking, RESPECT’s founding organizations, and the United Nations Global Compact, with additional support from Alliance 8.7, Business for Social Responsibility, and the International Labour Organization.
The STRT is featured in the recommended resources section, and described as an essential tool for companies addressing modern slavery in their supply chain. Support from these organizations is an endorsement of the effectiveness of the tool, and the positive impact it can have for global corporations.
May 25, 2018 - ICTI Ethical Toy Program’s Mark Robertson Joins STRT Development Committee
Mark Robertson has become the International Council of Toy Industries (ICTI) Ethical Toy Program’s new representative on the STRT Development Committee. As Senior Vice President of Communications and Stakeholder Engagement at the ICTI Ethical Toy Program and a member of the Senior Leadership Team, Mark is responsible for communications and leading engagement with stakeholders around the world. Mark is passionate about sustainability, and a firm believer that responsibility creates better businesses. We are happy to welcome him to the committee.

May 17, 2018 - Marshalls plc Joins STRT Development Committee
Marshalls plc and their Business & Human Rights Lead, Elaine Mitchel-Hill, have joined the STRT Development Committee. Marshalls plc is a leading manufacturer of natural stone and concrete landscaping products. The company is committed to ethical business practices and is widely regarded as a leader in its field in corporate social responsibility and sustainability. Elaine develops human rights strategy in her role as Business & Human Rights Lead, and implements UK Modern Slavery Act activity in UK business operations and oversees supply chains. We are pleased to welcome them to the committee.

May 17, 2018 - Illustro Consultancy Joins STRT Development Committee
The SRA is pleased to welcome Illustro Consultancy Ltd. and its Director, Tony Dunkerley, to the STRT Development Committee. Illustro Consultancy Ltd. provides training to the public and professionals who are in a position to eradicate human rights abuses. Tony established Illustro Consultancy Ltd., where he now provides independent consultancy and training services to companies operating in high-risk sectors.

April 30, 2018 - University of Bath Joins STRT Development Committee
The SRA is happy to announce the University of Bath and Andrew Crane, Professor of Business and Society and Director of the Centre for Business, Organisations and Society (CBOS) in the School of Management at the University of Bath, have joined the STRT Development Committee. Andrew is a leading author, researcher, educator and commentator on corporate social responsibility.

March 13, 2018 - Allegion Joins STRT Development Committee
Allegion, the global pioneer in safety and security, focuses on mechanical and digital security solutions around the door and adjacent areas. The $2 billion business produces everything from mechanical locks to advanced biometric scanning devices for residences, commercial spaces and more. Rita Kuhlman, Supply Chain Compliance Manager for Allegion, has joined the STRT Development Committee as its newest member representing the company. She manages all regulatory activities, including EU RoHS, EU REACH, Proposition 65, the UK Modern Slavery Act, and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act. We are enthused to have her join the committee.

February 2, 2018 - STRT Featured on Seafood Slavery Risk Tool Website
The Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template has been featured on the Seafood Slavery Risk Tool website under their "What Businesses Can Do" page. The template is featured as a resource to help companies develop and strengthen their due diligence programs in relation to human trafficking and slavery.

December 21, 2017 - The Isosceles Group Joins the STRT Development Committee
The Isosceles Group has officially joined the STRT Development Committee.
The Isosceles Group provides environmental management, occupational health and safety, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) services to companies worldwide. They also provide regulatory compliance support, conduct human rights assessments and offer audit compliance services for companies in over 40 countries. Marlena Wisniak, their representative on the STRT Development Committee, is a Senior Associate working in the CSR department who is focused on business and human rights. As part of her goal to incorporate human rights into core business practices, she has implemented human trafficking policies and prevention plans for numerous Fortune 500 companies. The STRT Development Committee is honored to welcome her as a partner.

November 28, 2017 - Palo Alto Networks Joins the STRT Development Committee
Palo Alto Networks has officially joined the STRT Development Committee.
Palo Alto Networks, a next-generation security company, safely enables applications and prevents cyber breaches for thousands of organizations worldwide. Palo Alto’s representative on the Development Committee, Shae Trautwein, helps the company build and maintain an effective conflict minerals program, along with other social responsibility programs, such as slavery and human trafficking. She has previous experience working for a compliance software company, where she helped others in various industries collect compliance data and manage their programs. The STRT Development Committee is thrilled to welcome her as a partner.
October 24, 2017 - STRT Featured in FishWise Blog
The Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template was featured in the FishWise blog! FishWise is a sustainable seafood consultancy focused on the health and recovery of ocean ecosystems through environmentally responsible practices. Their recent blog post, "Assessing Human Rights Risks and Measuring Social Performance: Emergent Tools for Companies”, highlights tools that help companies strengthen their human rights and labour policies and practices. With these tools, companies can assess risk and measure their social performance. The article offers a detailed explanation of the STRT, how it works, the benefit it provides to companies, and more. Read the article here:
October 20, 2017 - A Year in Rewind: STRT One Year Anniversary
This week marks the one year anniversary of the Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template (STRT), formerly known as the Human Trafficking Risk Template (HTRT). The HTRT was created in October 2016 as an initiative by the Development Committee, a group of organizations and representatives working together to provide companies with the tools they need to build socially responsible supply chains. In September 2017, the HTRT re-launched as the STRT under the Social Responsibility Alliance (SRA) umbrella. The SRA seeks to spark change in global supply chains and better the lives of those impacted by human rights violations by providing companies with trusted, open-source tools that facilitate the collection of complete responsible sourcing data from supply chains. The STRT is the first of such tools.
September 20, 2017 - Announcing the Launch of the Social Responsibility Alliance
The SRA is an initiative focused on providing companies with the open-source tools, resources and support they need to build socially responsible supply chains. The SRA seeks to facilitate the collection of human and labour rights data to help companies create positive change in their supply chains and improve the lives of those impacted by human rights violations. The STRT Development Committee, comprised of consensus-based member organizations working together to end human-trafficking and slavery, founded the initiative to catalyze continuous improvement in supply chains around the world.
September 6, 2017 - Human Trafficking Risk Template (HTRT) Transitioning to Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template (STRT)
The HTRT will be relaunching in late September 2017 under a new name, the Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template (STRT).
This renaming is to better reflect the template’s broad use by a variety of stakeholders around the world. The STRT facilitates the collection of modern slavery and human trafficking-related data, helping companies to better comply with global regulations and improve their supply chain-related public disclosures.
June 27, 2017 - US Department of State Releases the 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report
The US Department of State released the 2017 Trafficking in Persons (TiP) Report in June. The report is an assessment of efforts worldwide on the “3Ps” of prosecution, protection, and prevention of human trafficking.
The next version of the HTRT, which is slated for release later this summer, will reflect the updated TiP report in the 'countries tab' of the template. Six changes are slated to be made: (1) Guyana, Luxembourg and Kiribati will be removed; (2) Cyprus and Iceland will be added; and (3) Kyrgyzstan will be renamed Kyrgyz Republic. For any questions, please contact us at
The 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report is available here.
June 20, 2017 - HTRT Development Committee Meets in Chicago
The Human Trafficking Risk Template Development Committee had its first in-person meeting in June.
At the meeting in Chicago, the Development Committee discussed expanding its work to cover additional topics. Committee members hailed from Tennessee, New York, Texas, Ontario, and Chicago to meet and discuss the expansion of the committee.
If you're interested in having your voice heard by joining the committee, please contact us at
May 25, 2017 - HTRT Version 1.1.0 Has Launched
The latest version of the Human Trafficking Risk Template (HTRT), 1.1.0, has launched and is available for free download at
Updates in this version include new template functionality, a newly-optimized question set based on industry feedback and expert research, along with some changes to text in the glossary. Version 1.1.0 will be easier for suppliers to use and provide more, and more relevant, data to companies without increasing the effort required to complete and submit the template.
This launch is the result of many hours of development by members of the HTRT Development Committee, companies and organizations committed to facilitating compliance with human trafficking and slavery regulations through standardization.
For more information on HTRT Version 1.1.0, join members of the HTRT Development Committee and a panel of experts for a webinar on May 24th at 1 PM ET. Click here to register or request a recording if you are unable to attend. Otherwise, contact us at

May 24, 2017 - Cubic Corporation Joins the HTRT Development Committee
Cubic Corporation has officially joined the HTRT Development Committee.
Cubic Corporation has established a global reputation as innovative problem solvers and industry leaders for over six decades. The company places a focus on corporate responsibility and aligns their business with sustainable practices, which makes them an ideal fit as an Advisory Organization on the HTRT Development Committee. Cubic’s representative on the Development Committee, Matthew Kirby, oversees the creation and maintenance of supply chain compliance programs at the company. He was instrumental in the creation of Cubic Corporation’s first risk-based anti-human trafficking program. We are thrilled to welcome him as a partner on the HTRT Development Committee.
May 19, 2017 - HTRT In the Spotlight
Sarah Carpenter, the HTRT Development Committee Chair, will be speaking at industry events on two separate occasions about the Human Trafficking Risk Template and its impact on supply chain due diligence.
On June 7-8, Ms. Carpenter will be speaking in London at the Ethical Corporations Responsible Business Summit Europe. The HTRT will feature prominently in her presentation and during discussions at the Summit. For more information, click here.
On June 21-22, Ms. Carpenter will be speaking in Chicago at the Marcus Evans 5th Responsible Sourcing and Supply Chain Compliance Conference. For more information, click here.
Look for Ms. Carpenter and the HTRT at one or both of these conferences, and don’t miss this opportunity to engage with her. Your feedback is always welcome. Contact us for more information at

May 9, 2017 - The Silicon Valley Conflict Minerals and Human Trafficking Forum Joins the HTRT Development Committee
The Silicon Valley Conflict Minerals and Human Trafficking Forum has joined the HTRT Development Committee, marking another addition to the growing team of experts diligently working to develop the template. The Forum will be represented on the committee by its founder and moderator, Lydia Hultquist.
The Silicon Valley Conflict Minerals and Human Trafficking Forum brings together over 23 companies in the tech industry. With more than 20 years of supply chain experience, Ms. Hultquist has worked in, and with, industry-leading companies to develop programs that reduce costs, improve production, and ensure compliance. She has presented on conflict minerals at industry workshops, has been featured in multiple issues of CR Magazine, and has co-authored a number of articles, on modern day slavery, risk management, and supply chain best practices. She was recently named one of CR Magazine’s 2017 Superstar winners – Best of the Best Providers and Practitioners in Corporate Responsibility, and nominated for Assent Compliance’s 2017 Top 100 Conflict Mineral Influence Leaders List. We are excited to have Ms. Hultquist on the HTRT Development Committee.

April 27th, 2017 - The University of Sheffield Joins the HTRT Development Committee
The University of Sheffield has joined the HTRT Development Committee, represented by Dr. Genevieve LeBaron. Dr. LeBaron is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the Department of Politics at the University of Sheffield and Co-Chair of the Yale University Modern Slavery Working Group. Her research focuses on the global business of forced labor and governance initiatives to combat these activities. Dr. LeBaron is the author of two books and has published articles on forced labor in leading academic journals. She has collaborated with a number of non-academic organizations around forced labor, and her insights are greatly anticipated on the HTRT Development Committee.

April 6, 2017 - Baker Hughes Joins the HTRT Development Committee
Baker Hughes has officially joined the HTRT Development Committee.
Baker Hughes is currently using the HTRT as part of their Anti-Human Trafficking pilot program, and has sent out the template to a number of suppliers globally. Baker Hughes' representative on the Development Committee, Carlos Alvarado, has overseen global supply chain due diligence at Baker Hughes since 2013. Mr. Alvarado was involved in the ground-up design and implementation of the conflict minerals program at Baker Hughes, and is currently working on the design and implementation of the company’s modern slavery and anti-human trafficking due diligence program. We are excited to have a new partner of his caliber on the HTRT Development Committee.
March 29, 2017 - HTRT Version 1.1.0 to be Released in May
The HTRT Development Committee is excited to announce Version 1.1.0 of the HTRT will be launched on May 24th, 2017. Updates to the HTRT will include new template functionality, newly-optimized survey questions based on committee research and feedback, as well as minor changes to text.
For more information or if you have any questions, contact us at
February 22, 2017 - HTRT Development Committee Looking Ahead to 2017
The HTRT Development Committee had its first 2017 quarterly call to review the template in preparation for the upcoming HTRT version release.
The HTRT is being updated to improve upon its survey questions and functionality, providing the best data to companies who rely on the template for their human trafficking and slavery data collection program. Stay tuned for more information on the new version of the HTRT, scheduled for release over the coming months.
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October 2016 - The Human Trafficking Risk Template Has Launched!
The Human Trafficking Risk Template (HTRT) has launched. The HTRT is the free open-source industry standard template used to assist companies in their efforts to comply with major human trafficking and slavery regulations, and improve their supply chain-related public disclosures.
Members of the HTRT Development Committee would like to thank all stakeholders and participants who supported the template through its development. Please download the HTRT for free from our website and start using it in your programs today. If you have any questions or comments on the HTRT, please contact us at

April 6, 2017 -Podcast Series Launch from the Social Responsibility Alliance
The Business of Risk, Podcast Series Launch from the Social Responsibility Alliance
The Social Responsibility Alliance (SRA) has launched the first episode in its brand-new podcast series, The Business of Risk. This timely series will explore the complex challenges businesses face in identifying modern slavery and human trafficking risks, evidencing those risks and making the necessary changes. The first episode focuses on the complex issues of Uyghur Forced Labour and the challenges businesses are experiencing as they strive to comply with global legislation, their own policies and public commitments, and customer demands. This episode is hosted by Sarah Carpenter, Director of Corporate Responsibility at Assent, with expert guests Chloe Cranston, Head of Thematic Advocacy Programmes at Anti-Slavery International and Patricia Carrier, Business Engagement Representative from the Coalition to End Uyghur Forced Labour. Abiola Okpechi, Co-Chair of the SRA, and Regulatory & Sustainability Expert at Assent, said, “This is a phenomenal first episode. The content is outstanding and sets a high bar for the other episodes that will follow in 2023. A lot can be learned for current and future sustainability leaders looking to minimize risk and amplify positive impact in their supply chains." The SRA is an initiative dedicated to helping companies build socially responsible supply chains through the collection of sourcing data. Formed in 2017, the SRA developed the Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template (STRT), a free, open-source risk management tool which is relevant to business of all sizes. The global STRT development committee maintains the STRT, ensuring it remains up-to-date with growing global legislation. In 2021, the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, the SRA consulted widely with leading authorities, such as the International Labour Organisation, UN Global Compact, and others to review the STRT through a child rights lens. Okpechi added that the STRT takes away any financial or knowledge barriers to inaction. Businesses can simply download and make a start. The podcast has been developed and produced with the support of Research Podcasts, which specialises in the production of evidence based podcasts for individuals and organisations the UK and Europe. Research Podcasts Director, Christine Garrington commented, “It’s a real privilege to work with the Social Responsibility Alliance to get this important podcast off-the-ground. These are essential conversations and the series will stimulate discussion and action in businesses seeking to uphold and advance human rights in their day-to-day operations.” Listen here! About SRA The Social Responsibility Alliance (SRA) is an initiative focused on providing companies with the open source tools, resources, and support they need to build socially responsible supply chains through the collection of responsible sourcing data. Contact the SRA if you would like to find out more about joining the Global STRT Development Committee. About STRT The Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template (STRT), is the free, open-source industry standard template used to assist companies in their efforts to comply with human trafficking and modern slavery legislation and improve their supply chain-related public disclosures. The STRT helps companies and their suppliers work together to build socially responsible supply chains by facilitating accurate data collection. Visit to download the STRT.