The Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template (STRT) Development Committee, operating under the Social Responsibility Alliance (SRA) initiative, is a multi-stakeholder, consensus-based consortium of organizations working together to support companies in their efforts to ensure respect for human rights. The Committee is focused on the eradication of human trafficking and modern slavery from supply chains around the world, and developed the STRT to help companies achieve this goal. To ensure they meet the robust needs of a broad variety of stakeholders, the Committee consults with external industry experts for their valuable insight when developing data collection tools such as the STRT. The Development Committee actively maintains and updates the STRT.
The Committee regularly adds new members and is recruiting for certain stakeholder categories. At this time, it is composed of members from the following stakeholder groups:

Industry: 25

Academia: 2

Legal firms, audit firms and other service providers: 9

Civil society: 3

Independent members: 11
The Development Committee is accepting nominations for additional members in certain stakeholder groups. Want to join the dialog? Contact us for further information.
* These lists are not exhaustive.
Dr. Julia Muraszkiewicz
Head of Sociotech Insights Group
Trilateral Research
Dr Muraszkiewicz is a legal expert, researcher, podcast host, and educator. She focuses on human trafficking and modern slavery, using data to address complex problems and understand vulnerabilities. She holds a PhD in Law, has passed the Bar Vocational Course (UK), worked in safe houses for victims of forced labour, sits on the board of the Journal of Human Trafficking and has been the lead investigator on 10+ projects. She is currently supporting a team of data scientists on the development of AI/ML and Natural Language Processing capabilities, for the human trafficking use case.
Jamie Wallisch
Regulatory & Sustainability Expert
ESG & Responsible Sourcing, Assent
Jamie helps Assent customers proactively assess their supply chains for sustainability issues, and provides ESG regulatory guidance through enhanced supplier screening. She uses her in-depth experience working in responsible sourcing, including working closely with the U.S. Department of Labor, to provide insights into ESG topics such as human and labor rights, climate impact, ethical concerns, responsible sourcing, and trade trends. Her work with Assent has even brought her to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to understand the downstream impact to customers. Jamie was also named a finalist for the Next Generation Leadership Award from the Manufacturing Leadership Council.
Abiola Okpechi
Regulatory & Sustainability Expert
ESG & Responsible Sourcing Assent Inc.
Abiola Okpechi supports companies in their efforts to integrate human rights into corporate risk management frameworks and supply chain risk analysis. Prior to joining Assent, she worked as a consultant, providing expert guidance to companies on UN Guiding Principles around human rights and corporate social responsibility. She also served as lead specialist on human rights at AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. In this role, she developed and led implementation of the company's human rights strategy, addressing sustainability risks and ensuring compliance with internal and external standards for several corporate offices. Abiola holds a Ph.D. in Public Law (Human Rights).
Elaine Mitchel-Hill
International Lead, Design for Freedom
Grace Farms Foundations
Elaine Mitchel-Hill has detailed knowledge and expertise in a variety of corporate social responsibility areas, including responsible supply chains, sustainable procurement, labour rights, anti-corruption, and UNGC engagement and SDG contribution. In her role as International Lead, Design for Freedom, Grace Farms Foundations, Elaine is focused upon engaging with leaders in architecture, construction and engineering, as well as suppliers across the globe to eliminate forced labour in the built environment. Harnessing her knowledge, experience and global network to inspire a radical paradigm shift to address embedded slavery, drive ethical decarbonisation and champion the use of regenerative materials. She also engages with governments and UN agencies to develop strategy.
Carlos Alvarado
Program Manager, Supply Chain GRC
Baker Hughes Inc.
Carlos manages all program activities related to conflict minerals, modern slavery, due diligence practices and disclosures. Carlos has extensive experience in designing due diligence and supply chain mapping programs for a variety of regulations such as the UK Modern Slavery Act and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act.
Michael Littenberg
Ropes & Gray
Michael is a leading practitioner on supply chain compliance and corporate social responsibility, regularly advising leading public and private companies on this emerging area of compliance. Clients turn to Michael for advice on a variety of topics, such as disclosures and compliance with legal requirements; the construction and implementation of compliance programs; mitigating customer, regulatory, litigation, NGO and socially responsible investor risk; and interactions with these constituencies and other stakeholders.
Walter Jager
Principal Consultant
ECD Compliance
Walter has worked for over 12 years with product manufacturers, suppliers and certification bodies on product compliance with global environmental regulations such as RoHS, REACH and ecodesign. He has extensive experience with conformity assessment of products according to environmental performance standards and ecolabels. Walter has also contributed to the development of several IEC environmental standards and is the Working Group Chair of IEEE 1680.1, the environmental assessment standard for computers, tablets and displays.
Lydia Hultquist
Founder & Moderator
Silicon Valley Conflict Minerals and Human Trafficking Forum
Lydia Hultquist has worked with industry-leading companies to develop programs that reduce costs, improve production and ensure compliance, and has more than 20 years of supply chain experience. She has presented on conflict minerals at industry workshops, has been featured in multiple issues of Corporate Responsibility Magazine and has co-authored a number of articles on modern-day slavery, risk management, and supply chain best practices. She was recently named a CR Magazine 2017 Superstar Winner for Best of the Best Providers and Practitioners in Corporate Responsibility, and was nominated for Assent's 2017 Top 100 Conflict Mineral Influence Leaders List.
Kelli Wilson
Manager, ESG and Sustainability Services (Audit and Assurance)
Kelli is a finance and sustainability professional with expertise in human and social issues . Kelli began the early part of her career involved in the anti-human trafficking movement working in public policy and law at the U.S. State Department, Office of Human Trafficking in Persons and Polaris Project. Over the last decade, Kelli has established a strong foundation in how sustainability, and particularly social issues, intersect with financial implications for organizations and companies across a wide variety of industries and sectors. Kelli has served as a lead analyst at Moody’s Investors Service helping the company launch its ESG services by incorporating E, S, and G considerations into its credit methodologies. Most recently, Kelli served as Human Capital Project Manager at the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (now formerly a part of the IFRS Foundation’s International Sustainability Standard Board – ISSB). Additionally, while at SASB, she served as the health care sector analyst on the SASB Standard Research team to help formulate new standards and metrics across six health care industries. Given her background and expertise, Kelli is highly motivated to further advance the field of social issues, particularly around human rights issues, by leveraging the capital markets to embed a deeper understanding of how these issues impact financial performance and operations in addition to its impacts to the broader economy, environmental, and society.
Kristen Sullivan
Kristen leads Deloitte & Touche LLP and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited's (DTTL) Sustainability Risk Advisory and Assurance services, including their Supply Chain Social Compliance services. She works with clients to address their sustainability disclosure needs. Kristen's vast experience in sustainability, risk assessment, reporting, and assurance gives her unique insight into the needs of companies and suppliers working to improve their human trafficking and slavery programs using the Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template.*Deloitte supports the STRT's development committee in an advisory capacity.
Dr.Genevieve LeBaron
Senior Lecturer, Politics
University of Sheffield
Dr. Genevieve LeBaron is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics at the University of Sheffield and Co-Chair of the Yale University Modern Slavery Working Group. Her research focuses on the global business of forced labor and governance initiatives to combat it.
Therese Deane
Senior Manager, Global Compliance & Quality Systems
Therese Deane is Senior Manager, Global Compliance & Quality Systems at MACOM, the analog semiconductor company powering infrastructure used by millions. She manages teams in multiple time zones across America, Europe, and Asia. Responsible for MACOM's global Environmental Product Compliance, Conflict Minerals and Anti-Human Trafficking programs, Therese has significant experience in analysing and communicating complex legislative requirements and implementing meaningful and practical compliance programs.
Rebecca Miller
Senior Manager
Crowe LLP
Rebecca Miller, Senior Manager at Crowe Horwath LLP, is an expert in the development and management of compliance programs for Human Trafficking Regulations, EU RoHS, EU REACH, Conflict Minerals, and California Prop 65. Prior to her time at Crowe Horwath, she managed supply chain and environmental compliance for a global manufacturer and a Fortune 500 distributor, and has spent time working for the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Rebecca advises clients on their global regulatory compliance risk and works to develop compliance strategies to address and mitigate these risks. In addition, she assists clients in implementing compliance plans, from performing due diligence to drafting compliance documentation and disclosures.
Jacqueline Planner
Independent Consultant
An experienced Global leader at MD/C suite level who has led large global teams across multiple blue chip organisations. Whose skills lie within financial crime, operations, leadership, strategy, conduct, governance, control frameworks and ESG. With strong cross-sector leadership experience in Financial Services, Insurance & Forensic Advisory Consulting. I have designed and implemented global strategies, led global payment operational teams and led regulatory Financial Crime teams globally. I have Chaired various committees, reported to Executive Committees/boards. I was a Senior Advisor at Boston Consulting and I am a board member of an anti-human trafficking charity.
Shae Trautwein
Supply Chain Compliance Manager
Palo Alto Networks
Shae Trautwein, Supply Chain Compliance Manager at Palo Alto Networks, joined the company to help build and maintain an effective conflict minerals program. She quickly grew to take on other social responsibility programs, including slavery and human trafficking. Prior to her current role, she worked at a compliance software company, where she helped others in various industries collect compliance data and manage their programs.
Sarah Carpenter
Corporate Responsibility Regulatory & Compliance Programs Assent Inc
Sarah is a human rights advocate who specializes in promoting human rights in business operations globally. As an architect of Assent Compliance’s human trafficking and slavery solution, she provides direction to Fortune 500 companies on human rights due diligence. She joined Assent after supporting the United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) in reforming working conditions in the Bangladesh garment sector following the 2013 Rana Plaza collapse.
Michele Shugerts
Manager for Supplier Diversity and Sustainability
Xerox Corporation
Michele graduated with degrees in Chemical Engineering and Engineering & Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University in 1992. She then began working at Xerox in the Supplies organization as a Product Development Engineer, domesticating color toner formulations from Fuji Xerox and scaling up processes into manufacturing. During this time, she returned to school and earned a Master's of Applied Math & Statistics at the Rochester Institute of Technology. She moved into supplier quality assurance and product verification testing in the Xerox manufacturing organization, and then back into product development for custom media products. For the past 13 years, Michele has been in the Global Procurement organization at Xerox and has held various roles as Supplier Manager for Marketing/Advertising and Consumables, Project Manager for Labor Services, and, most recently, as Manager for Supplier Diversity and Sustainability.
Victoria A. Hradisky
Senior Manager, Compliance
STERIS Corporation
Victoria Hradisky has 33 years of experience in the areas of accounting, audit, ethics and fraud investigations, and compliance. She has been with STERIS for more than 10 years, first in internal audits before transferring to the compliance department in January 2020. In this capacity, Victoria oversees global compliance with laws and regulations related to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), anti-bribery, conflict minerals, human trafficking and slavery, commercial compliance, and more.
Christopher Demers
Manager, Sustainability & Compliance
Chris Demers is the Sustainability Manager at Supermicro Computer, where he advances the company’s environmental and social practices. Previously, he was Senior Manager of Sustainability at SunPower Corporation. In federal service, Chris advanced aid effectiveness reforms within foreign assistance. A systems thinker, he believes successful companies will rapidly embrace the circular economy.
Tony Dunkerley
Illustro Consultancy Ltd.
Tony Dunkerley is a former UK Police Detective and Force Practitioner on Modern Slavery who managed and provided strategic guidance on numerous modern slavery investigations, including trafficking for forced labour, sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, forced marriage, and benefit fraud. He also wrote policies and best-practice methodologies on modern slavery prevention and investigation. In 2014, he assisted the Office of the UK Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner (IASC) to develop nationalised standards of overt and covert practices for the prevention and detection of human trafficking offences. He established Illustro Consultancy Ltd., where he now provides independent consultancy and training services to companies operating in sectors at high risk for modern slavery.
Rita Kuhlman
Supply Chain Compliance Manager
Allegion PLC
Rita joined Allegion PLC in 2014 to implement their conflict minerals program, and quickly assumed responsibilities as Supply Chain Compliance Manager for all regulatory activities, including EU RoHS, EU REACH, Proposition 65, the UK Modern Slavery Act, and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act. She also completed the development and automation of Allegion’s supply chain Slavery and Human Trafficking Program. She is excited to move forward with designing improved due diligence and continued internal and external awareness training activities for social responsibility programs. Prior to her current role, Rita spent 21 years in the automotive industry, where she developed business processes and managed subcontract assembly and supplier development activities.
Andrew Crane
Professor of Business and Society
University of Bath
Andrew is a Professor of Business and Society, and Director of the Centre for Business, Organisations and Society (CBOS) in the School of Management at the University of Bath. He is a leading author, researcher, educator, and commentator on corporate responsibility. His books include an award-winning textbook on business ethics, the Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility, and Social Partnerships and Responsible Business.
Desta Raines
Director of Sustainability
Sephora Americas*
Desta Raines is the Director of Sustainability at Sephora Americas. She is a globally recognized CSR leader with a proven track record of developing and operationalizing innovative approaches to sustainability and supply chain challenges that focus on measurable impact, advocacy, and multi-stakeholder engagement. Prior to joining Sephora Americas, she served as the Senior Director of Fair Trade USA’s Apparel and Home Goods team, leading the company’s factory support services. She has also held roles at Apple, where she led their work on labor and human rights, supply chain stakeholder engagement, and responsible sourcing of materials; the Jones Group, where she managed their social compliance efforts around the world; and American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam, where she served as Executive Director.
*Desta is a member of the committee in an individual capacity and does not represent Sephora Americas.
Ashish Jain
Senior Compliance Manager
Arlo Technologies, Inc.
Ashish Jain is the Environmental Compliance Manager at Arlo, leading the company’s product compliance program and supply chain audits. He has on-the-ground experience auditing factories in areas including China and Vietnam. Ashish holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Pune, India, and is a certified Responsible Business Alliance and ISO 9001 lead auditor. Before joining Arlo, Ashish held similar roles in companies such as NETGEAR and Harmonic.
Hara Namburu
Senior Associate
Two Oceans Strategy (TOS)
Over 10 years of experience in research and consultancy within sustainability stream. Currently a Senior Associate at Two Oceans Strategy. Previously worked at The Energy and Resources Institute. Professional experience includes working in public and private funded projects by various central and state governmental bodies of India and some of the esteemed organizations like UNEP and IFC. Having worked extensively from construction and infrastructure to extractive sectors, developed good understanding and expertise in social and environmental assessment at the intersections of materials extraction, processing and construction fields. Holds a first class bachelors degree in architecture and masters degree in Environmental Design from University of Nottingham.
Colleen Theron
Ardea International
Colleen is a tri-qualified solicitor and founder of Ardea International, a specialist consultancy. She is an Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) fellow and a research fellow of the Centre for the Study of Modern Slavery at St. Mary’s University, Twickenham. Colleen has more than 25 years of legal and commercial experience of working with business, organizations and NGOs across sectors on both a strategic and operational level, and provides training and online resources on modern slavery, human trafficking, and sustainability issues. Colleen has an LLM (with distinction) in Environmental Law from the University of Aberdeen.
Eric Brotten
Vice President, Compliance Officer
Lynx FinHealth, Inc.
Eric is an expert on leadership and general management roles in regulatory compliance, and overseeing broad, international programs and building new compliance programs. He currently leads compliance, ethics, and privacy at Lynx FinHealth, Inc., a fintech-as-a-service for healthcare company. Eric is a frequent speaker focused on pragmatic approaches to ESG and general compliance program implementation. He has recent experience leading international and US-domestic compliance programs at Optum, a division of UnitedHealth Group. Eric led the company’s internal due diligence efforts for reporting under the UK Modern Slavery Act. He holds a law degree from Mitchell Hamline (St. Paul, Minnesota), an executive management certificate from Stanford University, and undergraduate degrees in Economics and German from the University of Minnesota.
Travis Miller
Travis is an attorney and environmental scientist who specializes in turning regulatory complexity into actionable business solutions. In his career, he developed cutting edge technology solutions to international trade, supply chain data exchange and corporate governance regulations in Silicon Valley. Travis has the unique distinction of leading both professional services and corporate compliance departments for multi-billion dollar blue chip corporations. Some organizations Travis has worked with include St. Jude Medical, Foresite U.S. Group, Inc. and Microchip Technology.
Jared Connors
Regulatory & Sustainability Expert
ESG & Responsible Sourcing Assent Inc.
Since 2006, Jared Connors has supported companies in their efforts to develop corporate responsibility initiatives, and is a thought leader on conflict mineral reporting requirements. Jared served on the development committees for IPC-1752A and IPC-1755, as well as programs for the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA). During his time with the RBA, Jared was instrumental in developing the original Risk Assessments (Levels 1 and 2), the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CRMT), and the tantalum and gold smelter audit protocols for conflict minerals. Today, Jared provides Assent with valuable expertise on data formats and enhancing software.
Graham Edgell
Director of Sustainability & Procurement
Morgan Sindall Group PLC
Graham Edgell has been with Morgan Sindall since August 2001. There, he is responsible for the sustainability and supply chain strategy for the nine businesses comprising the group, including materials, plants, subcontractors, and indirect spend. Graham also participates in the UK Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority, and chairs a labour group of contractors within the Supply Chain Sustainability School to ensure standards are maintained.
Anthony Gallia
Founder & Chairman
Polkima A.S.
Anthony Gallia founded Polkima in 1988 with a mission to manage an ethically exemplary and socially conscious company, and has been an active Chairman since. He recognizes the challenge to maintain high standards in a fast-paced world and is committed to tackling modern slavery. Educated in Turkey and the UK, Anthony graduated from Imperial College as a Mechanical Engineer in 1980.
Rachel Phillips Rigby
Global Lead, Forced Labor
Rainforest Alliance
Rachel Phillips Rigby has been the Global Lead on Forced Labor at the Rainforest Alliance since January 2019. There, she designs and implements strategies to address forced labour through the Rainforest Alliance’s Agricultural Standard and Chain of Custody Standard, and through on-the-ground programming in origin countries. Before joining Rainforest Alliance, she worked at the U.S. Department of Labor, where she led the development of two landmark publications on forced labour — the List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor, and Comply Chain: Business Tools for Labor Compliance in Global Supply Chains.
Shaila Rao Mistry
Founder & President
STEM Institute
Shaila Rao Mistry is the founder and president of the STEM Institute, an organization that brings together the private sector, academia, government, and civil society to develop organizations and leadership. An avid social impact advocate, Shaila is a Signatory for the United Nations Global Compact. She has also participated at every Commission for the Status of Women since Beijing, and worked on anti-trafficking measures, including passing legislation and co-authoring the charter on human rights in the digital domain. Currently, Shaila serves on several boards, including California State and the University of California.
Robert Heine
Director, Supply Chain Solutions
Robert Heine has spent more than 20 years leading supply chain teams in manufacturing and service businesses, focusing on building new organizations and capabilities, continuously improving processes, and driving business intelligence and compliance programs. He has led service parts logistics, customer service, manufacturing materials management, finished goods distribution, Oracle supply chain implementation, and shared services. Currently, Robert oversees a variety of operations at Vertiv, including compliance, shared services, and business intelligence for Vertiv Global Procurement.
Demi Smoloktou
Sustainability Lead
KFC UK & Ireland
Demi Smoloktou is a sustainability professional with expertise in responsible sourcing and trade, sustainability, and human rights in operations and supply chains. She is also a researcher at the University of Liverpool in the UK. She focuses on modern slavery in supply chains, global production networks, and global value chains, providing analyses on modern working practices and human rights. Her research addresses anti-slavery legislation and implementation, as well as different forms of contemporary forced labour as a management practice.
Jennie Hubert
Compliance Manager
Allegion plc
After obtaining a B.S. in chemical engineering, Jennie Hubert joined a rotational program at Ingersoll Rand, where, in one of her key roles, she was introduced to supply chain management. She focused on this area across her various roles with Ingersoll Rand, including significant time in manufacturing facilities. When Ingersoll Rand created Allegion, she joined the newly created company, where she has had the opportunity to lead a procurement team and manage commodities.
Robert Allen Jolly
Independent Advisor ESG
Until September 2019, Robert was a non-executive director and Chair of the UTA Trustee Board. Prior to retirement, he was also Chair of the ESG Committee and Chair of the UTA Investor Relations Committee, and held the role of Commissioner of the Financial Sector Commission on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. Rob is also a former Treasurer of the Victoria Government, where he previously held the roles of Research Officer and Industrial Advocate for the Australian Council of Trade Unions.
Ben Brooks
Global Compliance Manager
Since starting his career as an electronic design apprentice, Ben has worked in product development, new product introduction, operations management and now manages the VIAVI team responsible for all aspects of product regulatory compliance. He has also run his own product realization consultancy and has been the chairman of the Kindu Trust charity, which provides homes for Ethiopian street children.
Karen E. Woody
Washington & Lee University School of Law
Karen Woody is an assistant professor at Washington & Lee University School of Law. Prior to this, she was a faculty member in the Business Law and Ethics department of Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. Before entering academia, she practiced law in Washington, D.C. and advised clients on corporate compliance related to anti-corruption laws, securities disclosures and anti-fraud measures. Her scholarship focuses on issues related to anti-corruption measures and corporate disclosures. Her work on conflict minerals is widely cited, and she testified for the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee regarding federal disclosure regulations related to conflict minerals.
Chirag Amin
Social Responsibility Advocate
Chirag Amin has worked to promote labour rights in supply chains and disability rights (as outlined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities) through the use of data sourcing, analytics, and reporting tools. Prior to this, Chirag held program management roles in the tech sector. Chirag holds an MBA in Sustainable Development from Presidio Graduate School in San Francisco.
Than Baardson
Chief Executive Officer
Than Baardson is the CEO and Co-Founder of Unseen, a non-profit that accelerates the fight against human trafficking and its root causes. This role allows him to work with leaders across the world who are fighting some of today’s greatest injustices. He began his career as a firefighter and he continues to work as a broadcast journalist, speaker, documentary filmmaker, photographer, writer, and communications specialist.
Matt Friedman
The Mekong Club
Matt Friedman, CEO of the Mekong Club, is an international expert in combating human trafficking, with more than 30 years of experience. Matt previously worked for USAID and the United Nations in over 30 countries. He offers technical advice to numerous governments, banks, and corporations working to eliminate all forms of modern slavery, and is the author of 12 books. Matt has provided training to over 35,000 private sector professionals in 11 countries around the world on the topic of modern slavery.
Kate Larsen
Founding Director
Kate Larsen, Founding Director of SupplyESChange, is a supply chain ESG advisor of over 17 years. She has extensive experience in training and monitoring across 17 countries, including remediating modern slavery in Malaysia, Japan, and China. Kate created the Asia Corporate Responsibility program for Burberry, and was then Director of Responsible Sourcing for a US retailer. She was also a Human Rights Watch team member, led World Bank and other projects engaging the retail sector, has trained for the Ethical Trading Initiative, and provided input on OECD guidelines. She was named a Top 100 Modern Slavery Corporate Influencer UK 2018, and was featured in BBC podcasts on China’s forced labour risk.
Lucy Shearer
Lucy is passionate about working closely with large businesses and financial institutions to help them mitigate against and prevent modern slavery from occurring in their operations. She works to help companies achieve and share best practice, largely through their Modern Slavery Statements and supply chain risk-management. Before her position at STOP THE TRAFFIK, Lucy worked with STT’s sister NGO, The Traffik Analysis Hub - the world’s largest database of trafficking incidents. Her prior experience includes geo-political risk consulting to both logistics companies and INGOs. In 2019 she completed her postgraduate in International Development from the London School of Economics.
Paul Callum
Associate Director
Former senior Police officer, Paul is a highly trained detective and critical incident manager with specialist knowledge of complex investigations into organised crime, business human rights and modern slavery, safeguarding and protective security. Highlights include leading a multi- agency modern slavery investigation into an organised crime group which infiltrated supply chains and factories affecting over 200 victims, designing the “Think Victim” campaign to improve the quality of service provided to victims of crime and attaining the rank of Superintendent, responsible for the daily management for a multi-million pound budget and welfare, development and performance of a team of over 200 staff. After leaving the force, Paul developed and delivered a modern slavery training programme with the GLAA and Derby University and has worked for child exploitation and modern slavery charities, developing “beyond compliance” programmes as well as helping SME’s and corporates alike, to build resilient frameworks focused on a “people first” strategy. Paul has developed a responsible sourcing and continuous improvement programme for a large public sector organisation and is a trained social accountability auditor, having conducted audits, investigations and workforce interviews in many factories and businesses. Paul has delivered a support package to the Leicester Textile Sector promoting “responsible business” practices and most recently, has built a sexual harassment framework for both the music and university sectors alongside a project working closely with the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce designing an “ESG” / Sustainability assessment tool for SME’s, all run on
Mark Heath
Mercaston Solutions Ltd
Mark Heath formed Mercaston Solutions Ltd in 2020 after leaving his role as Deputy Director at the UK’s Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA). Mark has a background in fraud investigation and was a senior investigating officer at the GLAA before taking the lead in partnership working at national and international level. Mark contributed to the development of the Modern Slavery Bill, wrote policies and procedures for dealing with victims, guidance in relation to spotting the signs, contributed to multi stakeholder initiatives and devised the GLAA Construction Protocol. He is committed to tackling modern slavery in all its forms.
Andrew Wallis OBE
Unseen UK
A background in the corporate and consultancy world and founded Unseen in 2007 to tackle the issue of Modern Slavery. Andrew Wallis is the CEO of anti-slavery organization Unseen, which provides safe housing and other services for survivors of trafficking, runs the Modern Slavery Helpline, and works with businesses and others in the eradication of slavery. Andrew chaired the landmark Centre for Social Justice report ‘It Happens ere’, widely acknowledged as the catalyst for the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015, which he also advised on the development of. He was awarded an OBE that year. The job has presented him with challenges as diverse as building flat-pack furniture for Unseen’s first safe house, to advising global businesses on how to address slavery in supply chains. He has been described as ‘the loveliest disrupter you could hope to meet.’
Sandra Balazovicova
Senior Supply Chain ESG Program Specialist
Sandra Balazovicova studied in England and Scotland. She graduated with the degree of the Master of Science from The University of Edinburgh Business School and works as Senior Supply Chain ESG Program Specialist at Vertiv. She coordinates activities related to Vertiv’s Conflict Minerals program, Cobalt Reporting program and Vertiv Anti-human Trafficking and Slavery program. She is constantly monitoring latest trends and regulations in Environmental Social Governance while working with Vertiv’s suppliers towards ethical and responsible business practices.
Whitney Baney
Advisory ESG Senior Consultant
Crowe LLP
Whitney Baney is a Senior Consultant within Crowe LLP’s ESG practice. Whitney has expertise developing and managing internal procedures for responsible sourcing programs. She works with manufacturing clients in areas of Conflict Minerals, Anti-Human Trafficking, and EU REACh and EU RoHS. Whitney manages and analyzes the collection of client’s parts and supplier data, assists clients in the collection of supply chain data for compliance regulations, and manages compliance requests received from customers of clients. In addition, she drafts required disclosure statements for reporting obligations and advises on best practices.
Jen Baker
Advisory ESG Senior Consultant
Crowe LLP
Jen Baker is a Senior Consultant within Crowe LLP’s ESG practice. Jen assists clients with creating and implementing regulatory compliance programs for a variety of different responsible supply chain efforts. She utilizes her educational background as a chemist to ensure compliant chemical labeling, communicate chemical hazards via the Globally Harmonized Standard of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) and OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard, and educate clients on global chemical compliance rules and regulations. Most recently at Crowe, she assists clients with Conflict Minerals due diligence and complying with EU REACH, EU RoHS, and California Prop 65 among others.
Elise Laarman
Advisory ESG Consultant
Crowe LLP
Elise Laarman has experience advising on a variety of environmental compliance programs affecting a wide range of industries. She has particular industry knowledge in policies involving hazardous waste management, natural resource protections, and clean air and water guidelines. Most recently at Crowe, she has assisted clients with EU REACH/RoHS data collection, Conflict Minerals due diligence, and anti-human trafficking compliance.
Nasriah Jamaludin
Business and Human Rights Executive
Marshalls plc
Nasriah Jamaludin is a Business and Human Rights Executive with Marshalls PLC. She supports the business by ensuring human rights practices are part of the business operations. She previously worked in an e-commerce company (UK) leading the legalities of the business. She has also worked in China and represented her native Singapore on multiple (diplomatic) international relations conferences as the country’s Youth Ambassador. Her unique global experience provides a different perspective in drawing out cultural nuances in the business world, useful when handling modern slavery in international supply chain industry. She holds an MA in Culture, Society and Globalisation.
Emma Crates
Group Business and Human Rights Manager
Marshalls plc
A former journalist and corporate writer, I have written a number of reports on modern slavery, with particular emphasis on business supply chains. After a series of collaborations on modern slavery with the Chartered Institute of Building, I was prevent policy lead for UK Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner Dame Sara Thorton DBE, Oct 2019 – April 2022 and engaged with a number of sectors including agriculture, textiles, finance, construction and retail. I also supported various investor initiatives and liaised with experts and NGOs. Joined Marshalls in June 2022, supporting the wider ESG team.
Katie Allen
Corporate Sustainability Program Manager
Assent Inc.
Katie is the Corporate Sustainability Program Manager at Assent, where she is responsible for sustainability strategy, reporting, and engagement. Prior to her current role she worked at a maintenance management software company, as the first and only Sustainability and Social Impact Manager where she pioneered and executed the sustainability strategy and program, and led the B Corp certification and engagement. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences and Economics and Policy from the University of Guelph and a certificate in Business Sustainability Management from the University of Cambridge. Katie has been recognized as a 2020 Clean50 Emerging Leader for her work.
Rachel Weller
Consultant and Human Rights Lead
Rachel is an experienced sustainability/ESG consultant at Sancroft, a social and environmental sustainability consultancy advising a diverse mix of corporations and financial services firms. She leads on Sancroft’s human rights work, supporting clients to navigate changing expectations on human rights and put in place process to identify, assess, manage and report on human rights risks in their value chains. Prior to Sancroft she worked at a social impact strategy consultancy where she advised clients in the international development sector, helping them to make progress in areas such as gender equality and global health.
Becky Milon
Head of Consulting and Business Engagement
Becky Milon is Head of Consulting and Business Engagement at STOP THE TRAFFIK, leading a team of seven to deliver their mission of eradicating and preventing modern slavery across business operations. Prior to joining STOP THE TRAFFIK, Becky completed an MSc in International Development Management from the London School of Economics. With 3 years’ experience at Deloitte Consulting, she is skilled in strategic innovation planning, human centered design, and program management.
Christy Dehus
Christine Dehus Consulting LLC
Christy Dehus Consulting is a boutique consulting firm specialzing in the management of ESG risks through data driven insights. Comprising 15 years experience across private and public sectors, we are here to meet all of your ESG needs.
John Bullivant
Group Head of Ethical and Responsible Sourcing
Travis Perkins
John has significant knowledge and experience across a variety of social responsibility areas, including responsible supply chains, supplier risk assessment and labour rights. As Group Lead for Modern Slavery and Human Rights, John develops strategies, including the Group’s response to the UK Modern Slavery Act and the associated activity both within the Group and within significant and complex supply chains. John leads on efforts in tackling modern slavery and bringing consistency to approaches across the Group businesses.
Chikomeni Manda
Managing Partner
Perekezi ASM Consultants
Chikomeni Manda has over 15 years experience in artisanal and small-scale mining, focusing on responsible sourcing, mineral supply chains, human rights and research. He has consulted for the GI-TOC, Levin Sources.
Nicole Leonardi
ESG & Compliance, Supply Chain Operations, Solidigm
Nicole has over 12 years of professional expertise in supply chain and procurement, most recently focused on building Solidigm's Global Operations ESG & Compliance program. Nicole leads a global team committed to responsible sourcing, ensuring supply chain ESG performance, managing the conflict mineral program, and monitoring compliance with various global ESG and product regulations.
Mariam Lotfi
Lecturer, Supply Chain Management
Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University
Maryam is a lecturer of supply chain management at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. She Holds PhD and MRes in Management both from Cass Business School, City University London.
Maryam's academic research focuses on "sustainable supply chains" with the focus of social aspects including child slavery, modern slavery, and workers' rights. She is part of the Wales Anti-Slavery Academia Group. She has published over seven papers in refereed journals and international conferences on the subject. She teaches Sustainability for business" and “Supply Chain Social Sustainability” for MSc in Cardiff Business School.
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